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Arizona deputies put on a show with their squad car lip-sync battle

Don't blame it on them, these local law enforcement agencies are shaking it off with a little lip sync battle.

Lights, camera, action! The lip sync battle between law enforcement agencies across the country has hit a new level of competition.

Local departments are now getting in on the fun. Normally, we don't associate our men and women in uniform with hits from Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris, but thanks to some bold singers with badges we're getting a font row seat.

Pinal County Sheriff's Office deputies were looking to "Shake It Off" with a little T-Swift.

“I stay out too late, got nothin' in my brain,” one deputy sang.

The 90-second clip captures quite a few priceless facial expressions and has garnered more than 300,000 views.

“Taylor Swift Tuesdays?" "You know it bro,” two deputies said.

The brief interruption by Deputy Campbell entails a wave and respectful decline to a possible duet. The reason? He's more of a Meghan Trainor fan.

“I'm all about that bass, no treble,” the officer explained.

Deputy Sanchez doesn't miss a beat and gets right back to his place on the hit track.

The Pinal County Sheriff's Office was challenged by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office who shared their own lip sync video.

Deputy Miller with MCSO didn't stop with just the lip-syncing though, he stepped it up with a thrilling light show belting out a solo performance from his patrol car.

“Don't blame it on me,” he mouthed.

He casually wraps up the chorus and carries on with the rest of his day. That video, by the way, has more than 60,000 views.

PCSO has issued a challenge to the Yuma County Sheriff's Office.

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