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Phoenix seeking community nominations for MLK Awards to celebrate 60th anniversary of 'I have a dream' speech

The city of Phoenix is hoping you will honor Dr. King's legacy by nominating people who are doing great things in our community for the MLK Awards.

PHOENIX — Monday marks 60 years since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic ‘I have a dream’ speech.

The city of Phoenix is hoping you will honor his legacy by nominating people who are doing great things in our community for the MLK Awards.

Don Logan, Phoenix’s Equal Opportunity Department Director, joined 12News in studio to highlight that the deadline to nominate someone is coming up on Friday. This year there’s a big focus on nominating youth in our community with the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Living the Dream Award.

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“There are a lot of kids across the Valley that are doing wonderful things to promote community investment and including work with Dr. King and so we would like to solicit nominations this year focusing on the youth because they are going to be our future and they are going to be the ones to ensure that we continue the legacy of Dr. King,” said Logan.

Logan shared they are also looking to honor someone with the Calvin C. Goode Lifetime Achievement Award.

“We’re looking for an individual that has made Phoenix a better place to live, who has life-long dedication to promoting social and economic justice, who has defended civil rights and worked to enhance the dignity of all people,” said Logan.

You can make your nominations here: https://www.phoenix.gov/newsroom/equal-opportunity/1458

They are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, September 1, 2023.


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