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BEWARE: Keep your kids safe from rattlesnakes during Easter egg hunts

If you  plan on having an Easter egg hunt this weekend, you might want to consider where you hide the eggs to keep your relatives and children safe.

<p>Make sure you hide your eggs visible to the eye during Easter egg hunts. </p>

With temperatures rising, snakes have been peeking out more.

If you plan on having an Easter egg hunt this weekend, you might want to consider where you hide the eggs to keep your relatives and children safe.

According to the Phoenix Herpetological Society, the group has been receiving multiple calls to remove snakes from property lately.

PHS is offering some safety tips to make your Easter egg hunt snake free:

Don't hide eggs on the ground where children will have to reach where they can't see. That includes behind rocks, under bushes, behind flower pots or under pool toys.

Hide eggs off the ground, such as tall flower pots, hanging pots, on decks or outdoor furniture.

IMPORTANT: If you do find a snake, walk away and don't try to move it yourself.

If you do get bitten by a snake, PHS suggests:

  • Call 911 and stay calm..
  • Keep the bitten area still.
  • Remove any jewelry or constricting items near the affected area in case of swelling.
  • Elevate the extremity that’s bitten.


  • Drive yourself to the hospital.
  • Use ice to cool the bite.
  • Cut open the wound and try to suck out the venom.
  • Use a tourniquet. This will cut off blood flow and the limb may be lost.
  • Bring the snake or a photo of the snake with you to the hospital; all rattlesnake bites are treated with the same antivenin so identification of the snake is not necessary.

There are at least 13 species of rattlesnake and a few other venomous reptiles that live in Arizona.

If you have any other questions or need to get a snake removed, you may contact PHS at 602-513-4377 or 602-550-1090.

You can also visit their website at www.phoenixherp.com.

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