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5 tips to keep your house cooler this summer

During the Phoenix summer, it's important to keep a couple cool tricks up your sleeve.

PHOENIX — There are many hacks for staying cool during the summer, and most are obvious.

Ice was our ancestors best friend before air conditioning.

Drink ice water before bed. Put a cooling towel on your neck and wrists. Place a bowl of ice water next to your bed to dip your feet in. You could even put your pillow in the freezer!

Here are a few more ways to keep your house cooler this summer:

1. Be like Dracula and make your home as dark as possible. Invest in blackout curtains or just simply make sure your blinds are all closed.

2. When it comes to your ceiling fans, make sure they are spinning counterclockwise in the summer. This will suck the warm air up to the ceiling.

3. Don’t turn off your A/C when you leave or it will work harder trying to cool your home down when you return. It’s best to only turn it up a few degrees.

4. When it comes to appliances, don’t use your dryer, dishwasher, oven or other heat-generating appliances during the hottest parts of the day.It's a great excuse to grill out!

5. Check your windows and doors for drafts. If you find any areas leaking in warm air, seal them up to keep the cool air in and hot air out.

Heat is something we all get accustomed to here in Phoenix. It forces us to get creative. If you have a great hack for keeping your home cool, let us know!

You can reach out to us on Facebook or email us at connect@12news.com.

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