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West Valley school district goes green with electric buses

The Union Elementary School District will be adding two electric school buses to its fleet, hoping to one day go entirely electric.

PHOENIX — A West Valley elementary school district is preparing to go green with its school bus fleet. Officials with Union Elementary School District said it's all thanks to the $500,000  Clean Bus Program Grant.

"We couldn't have afforded to have electric buses without the support of this grant," Union Elementary School District Superintendent Kristine Morris said. "To hear word our vision has come to life and we're getting this funding to help reduce the emissions for our community and to contribute to not only our community good but global good that's what we're here to do."

The school was recently awarded a grant through the Environmental Protection Agency. Morris said it'll help them purchase two electric school buses as well as the infrastructure needed to charge them.

"The buses, depending on what size you get is ranging from $350,000 to $450,000," Morris said.

The K-8th school district serves about 1,800 students and is growing. About 300 of those students use the bus every day. Morris said their current fleet is made up of 11 school buses that range in age. Some, she said, were bought in 2006 while the newer ones came in 2019. A grant like this will bring some much-needed improvements.

"When we looked at our fleet, and it's aging, it made sense for us to look at the electric school buses," Morris said. "We don't drive long distances and so it meets the needs of our community so that's why we started exploring this."

The district has to purchase the buses within the next three years. Currently, Morris said the district is working with SRP to take a look at the infrastructure needed to support the buses in charging them. It's an expensive project which is why Morris said it's important they do it right the first time.

"We want to build our infrastructure right the first time instead of having to spend money and spend money again," she said. "We're taking our time. Union is here and we're setting the pathway forward for our kids and for our community and we want to make a difference in the environment because it impacts the future."

The district's long-term goal is to go completely green and have all-electric school buses. Morris said getting this grant is the first step.

"I think we're innovative, we're forward thinking and I just think we're taking what the community invests in our district and multiplying that so we're taking their investment and bringing great things to our kids.

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