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Love Your Selfie

Love Your Selfie: How to Melt Away Your Double Chin!

Tired of that pesky bit of fat under your chin sabotaging all of your profile pictures? We are, too! Plus, there is not yet a yoga, pilates, spin or crossfit workout designed to target this area (or if there is, we don’t know it!). So how do you get rid of your double chin for good? We have a pretty solid solution for you.

Just as some of us are genetically predisposed to cellulite, wrinkling, pigmentation, acne and other dermatological conditions, some of our bodies are predisposed to storing fat underneath the skin. This problem does not improve as we age, either. With time, sagging skin only contributes to the chins we begin to count, and typically there is little you can do about it unless you are significantly overweight.

Enter, Kybella.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is a revolutionary injectable treatment that works to melt away the stubborn fat stored under your chin. In just a quick procedure, you will be injected with a solution containing deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in our bodies that breaks down and absorbs dietary fat. Upon injection, Kybella gradually destroys fat cells in the treated area, permanently.

Yes, permanently!

Once treated, the fat cells under your chin will be removed rather than reduced, so fat will not be stored here any longer. Say goodbye to that double chin for good!

How does it feel?

The pain level during a Kybella procedure varies from patient to patient. Most people experience little to no pain from the needle itself, but a small number of people report feeling a burning sensation after a few injections. This feeling can be managed with ice and compression, and typically subsides within the same day. A majority of patients agree that eyebrow waxing is more painful than this 10-minute procedure!

Benefits of Kybella

Other than losing frustrating stored fat, Kybella has offered patients a feeling of satisfaction, confidence and normality that they had lost due to their double chin. Talking about it may seem silly, but it is true that we fixate on things we believe are flaws. Why not treat these conditions to allow our fullest selves to bloom?

Allergan reports that in studies, patients “reported improvement in self-perception, including feeling happier and younger based on their chin profile, as well as feeling less embarrassed, less self-conscious, less overweight and less bothered by submental fullness.”

We want all of our patients to walk around with that kind of confidence, without even a thought about insecurities or pesky chins.

How long is recovery?

Typically you will experience swelling after your Kybella treatment, and you might even have some soreness and bruising the following day. Swelling can be managed with ice, but should subside within one week.

Kybella works gradually, so you will not see results immediately. Most patients begin to see results as early as 2 weeks from their appointment, continuing to about 8-16 weeks. Many patients will be recommended several treatments, depending on the amount of fat they wish to remove.

Am I a candidate?

If you are suffering from the frustration and lack of confidence a double chin may cause, you are a candidate for Kybella. As long as you do not have an infection in the treatment area, Kybella is safe to use, as the active ingredient is a natural component of our bodies. However, we do recommend that you maintain realistic expectations and know that weight gained may be relocated to another area of the body.

At Derma Health, we aim to treat the whole body, not just a part. If you are interested in Kybella treatments, we can help you schedule a consultation to speak with one of our physicians about your options. We will also recommend nutrition and exercise tips to help you see quality results and love the skin you live in for life.

Contact the Derma Health Institute at (602) 910-6535 for more information on Kybella or one of our other dermatological treatments.

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